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We provide solutions that surprise, excite, and exceed our clients’
expectations, and aim to create a world that is thrilling for everyone.

funlead’s vision for the future is expressed as “make WOW!”.
The WOW! experience we create with our “make WOW!” vision imagines a world in which everyone can be thrilled by providing surprises and excitement to our clients with an ingenuity that only we are capable of offering. funlead’s goal is to be an organization that goes beyond the convenience and ease of use that our clients have envisioned and contributes to improving the value of our clients’ business.
As a Taiyo Holdings group company, funlead is now able to actually use the systems we have developed within the group.
One of funlead’s strengths is that we can use the other companies in the group as a kind of large testing ground, and this enables us to refine our products through repeated feedback from the group and continue to create new products. In addition, by promoting mergers and acquisitions in the group, we have been able to quickly develop and incorporate a wide variety of IT technologies into our own company’s capabilities in a short period of time.
In addition to the other companies in the Taiyo Holdings Group, we have also been responsible for promoting digital transformation solutions for clients in a wide range of industries and sectors. Because we live in a society where the utilization of IT is now commonplace, IT-related problems have been increasing throughout society.
At funlead, we are always working with the client in mind. This is because it is not only the technical aspects of IT that are important, but also the capability to identify the essential concerns and issues of our clients.
We will work together with our clients to shape a “make WOW!” future that cannot be imagined by our clients alone, and at the same time, we will work to implement innovations in society.


President and CEO Keiichi Kobayashi
